Use this call to get transaction or fee details for a specified period.
Request URI:
Field | Type | Description |
Action | string | GetTransactionDetails Name of the API that is to be called. Mandatory. |
Format | string | The response format, with XML as the default. Can be XML or JSON. Optional. |
Timestamp | datetime | The current time in ISO8601 format (e.g., Timestamp=2016-04-01T10:00:00+02:00 for Berlin). Mandatory. |
UserID | string | The ID of the user making the call. Mandatory. |
Version | string | The API version against which this call is to be executed. The current version is "1.0". Mandatory. |
Signature | string | The cryptographic signature, authenticating the request. You must create this value by computing the SHA256 hash of the request, using the API key of the user specified in the UserID parameter. Mandatory. |
startTime & endTime | date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Starting date and ending date where transactions need to be extracted. |
maxItem | integer | Number of maximum lines of transactions to be extracted. |
transType | integer | Transaction type ID. |
limit | string | Number of lines of transactions to be extracted. The supported maximum number is 500. Optional. |
offset | string | Number of transaction lines to skip at the beginning of the list. Optional. |
Code sample
# GetTransactionDetails cURL example
# to run, update Timestamp and recompute Signature
url = ""
data-urlencode Action=GetTransactionDetails
data-urlencode CreatedAfter=2015-01-01T11:11+0200
data-urlencode Timestamp=2015-07-01T11:11+0000
data-urlencode Version=1.0
data-urlencode Signature=d4ff93cccb165295ed8357fe42082208b781a3b576bbb7d3fe7a624270b047b9
GetTransactionDetails request = new GetTransactionDetails();
try {
GetTransactionDetailsResponse response = request.execute();
for(TransactionDetails transactionDetails: response.getBody()) {
} catch (LazadaException e) {
Name | Type | Description |
Transaction Date | date (DD Month YYYY) | Date of the transaction |
Transaction Type | Transaction type or fee name (integer) | Transaction type or fee name |
Transaction Number | Unique id of the transaction in the format Seller code- YYYYYY (string) | ex - SG103EF-1FF0JVW |
Amount | integer (decimal) | Total transaction value |
WHT included in Amount | boolean | Yes / No |
Statement | string | Statement ID |
Paid Status | boolean | Yes / No |
Order no | string | Order ID |
Order Item no | string | Order item number |
Shipment Type | string | Dropshipping |
Reference | string | Payment reference ID |
Comments | string | Comments by regional finance team |
Transaction types
Some common transaction types are as follows.
Transaction type | Transaction ID | Purpose |
All transactions | -1 | Fetching all transactions |
Orders - Item charges - Item Price Credit | 13 | Item price credit is credit provided to successfully delivered items. It's triggered automatically when Order Item status moved to 'delivered'. |
Orders - Item charges - Item Price Subsidy | 59 | Item price subsidy is a credit provided to sellers for an order item. |
Orders - Claims - Penalty & Payment Claims | 60 | Claims (credit) provided to sellers for any penalties or payment related. |
Orders - Claims - Other Claims | 139 | Claims (credit) provided to sellers for other reasons. |
Orders - Other Credit - Shipping Fee (Paid By Customer) | 8 | Shipping fee paid by customers are provided as credit to sellers. |
Orders - Other Credit - Other Credit - Taxable | 63 | Other credit (taxable) for delivered orders. |
Orders - Other Credit - Other Credit - Non Taxable | 64 | Other credit (non-taxable) for delivered orders. |
Orders - Other Debit - Non Taxable | 144 | Other debits (non-taxable) for delivered orders. |
Orders - Other Debit - Taxable | 82 | Other debits (taxable) for delivered orders. |
Orders - Lazada Fees - Commissions | 16 | Commissions for delivered orders. |
Orders - Lazada Fees - Payment Fee | 3 | Payment fee for delivered orders. |
Orders - Lazada fees - Shipping Fee (Charged by Lazada) | 7 | Shipping fee (charged by Lazada) for delivered orders. |
Orders - Lazada Fees - Adjustments Shipping Fee | 67 | Adjustments shipping fee is a credit for delivered orders. |
Orders - Lazada Fees - Automatic Shipping Fee | 28 | Automatic shipping fee is a debit to claw back shipping fee credits. |
Orders - Penalties - Fake RTS | 71 | Penalties for fake RTS. |
Orders - Penalties - Infringed Content | 76 | Penalties for infringed content. |
Orders - Penalties - Adjustment penalty | 81 | Adjustment penalty. |
Refunds - Item Charges - Reversal Item Price | 14 | Reversal item price is an automatic debit for returned items. |
Refunds - claims - Lost And Damaged Claim | 85 | Lost and damaged claim is a credit for sellers for loss/damaged due to 3PL faults. |
Refunds - Claims - Other Claims - Returns | 125 | Other claims (returns) is a credit to sellers for other reasons. |
Refunds - Shipping Fee - Reversal shipping Fee (Paid by Customer) | 142 | Reversal shipping fee (paid by customer) is auto clawback of shipping fee for returned items. |
Refunds - Lazada Fees -Reversal Commission | 15 | Reversal commission is auto reversal of commission for returned items. |
Refunds - Lazada Fees - Reversal Shipping Fee (Charged By Lazada) | 143 | Reversal shipping fee (charged By Lazada) is manual reversal (credit) of shipping fee. |
Refunds - penalties - Cancellation Due To OOS | 87 | Penalties for cancellation of orders due to out of stock items. |
Refunds - penalties - Cancellation Due To late shipment | 93 | Penalties for cancellation due to late shipment. |
Refunds - penalties -Forbidden/Infringed Goods | 95 | Penalties for forbidden/infringed goods. |
Refunds - Other Debits (Returns) | 145 | Other debits for sellers for returned / cancelled items. |
Refunds - Adjustments Others (Returns) | 104 | Other credits for sellers for returned / cancelled items. |
3P services - shipping - Pickup fee | 127 | Pickup fee. |
3P services - shipping - Shipping fee (charged by 3P) | 21 | Shipping fee (charged by 3PL such as LEL) or direct shipping fee post by 3PL to sellers. It's a debit. |
3P services - shipping - Return Delivery Fee | 24 | Return delivery fee charged by 3PL. Its a debit. |
3P services - shipping -Adjustments Shipping | 129 | Any adjustments shipping (credit). |
3P services - FBL - FBL Handling Fee | 130 | FBL handling fee (debits). |
3P services - FBL -FBL - Other Fulfillment service Fee | 133 | Other fulfillment service fee posted by FBL (debit). |
3P services - FBL -Adjustments FBL | 134 | Adjustments FBL is a credit posted to offset any incorrect posting by FBL. |
Other services - subsidy - Seller Incentive | 107 | Seller incentive is a credit to sellers (seller level). |
Other services - services Sponsored Product Fee | 112 | Fees for sponsored product at seller level. |
Other services - services Adjustments Others | 115 | Adjustments others is a credit at seller level to offset any debit posting. |
Other services - Other Debits | 116 | Other debits is a debit at seller level. |
Result sample
"SuccessResponse": {
"Head": {
"RequestId": "",
"RequestAction": "GetTransactionDetails",
"ResponseType": "List",
"Timestamp": "2017-05-04T19:18:06+0800"
"Body": {
"TransactionDOs": {
"transactionDOs": [
"Transaction Date": "17 May 2016",
"Transaction Type": "Shipping Fee (Item Level) Credit",
"Transaction Number": "SG103EF-1KV89DI",
"Amount": "10.00",
"WHT included in Amount": "Yes",
"Statement": "11 May 2016 - 17 May 2016",
"Paid Status": "Not paid",
“Order no:”: "123445666666",
“Order Item no:”: "1666666",
“Shipment Type:”: "Dropshipping",
“Shipment provider:”: "LEX",
"Reference": "1340",
"Comment": "",
"PaymentRefId": ""
"Transaction Date": "17 May 2016",
"Transaction Type": "Payment Fee",
"Transaction Number": "SG103EF-1P9VK1A",
"Lazada SKU": "Item test -123",
"Amount": "-0.62",
"VAT in Amount": "0.0672",
"WHT Amount": "0.0112",
"WHT included in Amount": "Yes",
"Statement": "11 May 2016 - 17 May 2016",
"Paid Status": "Not paid",
“Order no:”: "123445666666",
“Order Item no:”: "1666666",
“Shipment Type:”: "Dropshipping",
“Shipment provider:”: "LEX",
"Reference": "1340",
"Comment": "",
"PaymentRefId": ""
"Transaction Date": "17 May 2016",
"Transaction Type": "Commission",
"Transaction Number": "SG103EF-1NVC2D6",
"Amount": "-2.86",
"VAT in Amount": "0.3400",
"WHT Amount": "0.2800",
"WHT included in Amount": "Yes",
"Statement": "11 May 2016 - 17 May 2016",
"Paid Status": "Not paid",
“Order no:”: "123445666666",
“Order Item no:”: "1666666",
“Shipment Type:”: "Dropshipping",
“Shipment provider:”: "LEX",
"Reference": "1340",
"Comment": "",
"PaymentRefId": ""
"Transaction Date": "17 May 2016",
"Transaction Type": "Item Price Credit",
"Transaction Number": "SG103EF-1FF0JVW",
"Amount": "28.00",
"WHT included in Amount": "Yes",
"Statement": "11 May 2016 - 17 May 2016",
"Paid Status": "Not paid",
“Order no:”: "123445666666",
“Order Item no:”: "1666678",
“Shipment Type:”: "Dropshipping",
“Shipment provider:”: "LEX",
"Reference": "1340",
"Comment": "",
"PaymentRefId": ""
Updated almost 7 years ago