

Use this call to get the list of all active shipping providers, which is needed when working with the SetStatusToPackedByMarketplace call.

Request URI:


Name of the API that is to be called. Mandatory.
FormatstringThe response format, with XML as the default. Can be XML or JSON. Optional.
TimestampdatetimeThe current time in ISO8601 format (e.g., Timestamp=2016-04-01T10:00:00+02:00 for Berlin). Mandatory.
UserIDstringThe ID of the user making the call. Mandatory.
VersionstringThe API version against which this call is to be executed. The current version is "1.0". Mandatory.
SignaturestringThe cryptographic signature, authenticating the request. You must create this value by computing the SHA256 hash of the request, using the API key of the user specified in the UserID parameter. Mandatory.

Code sample

# GetShipmentProviders cURL example
# to run, update Timestamp and recompute Signature
url = ""
data-urlencode Action=GetShipmentProviders
data-urlencode Timestamp=2015-07-01T11:11+0000
data-urlencode Version=1.0
data-urlencode Signature=d4ff93cccb165295ed8357fe42082208b781a3b576bbb7d3fe7a624270b047b9
GetShipmentProviders request = new GetShipmentProviders();
try {
  GetShipmentProvidersResponse response = request.execute();
  for (ShipmentProvider provider: response.getBody()) {
} catch (LazadaException e) {


The detailed shipment provider information is returned.

NamestringName of the shipment provider. This is the string that is needed for SetStatusToPackedByMarketplace.
DefaultbooleanThis shipment provider will be the standard selection for order processing.
ApiIntegrationbooleanValue will be 1 if this shipment provider has an API.
CodbooleanThe shipment provider will be available for cash on delivery orders.
TrackingCodeValidationRegexstringThe regular expression for validation of tracking code.
Example: /^[a-z0-9]{10}$/i Please check using
TrackingCodeExamplestringThe example of tracking code.
TrackingUrlstringShipment provider's tracking URL.
Placeholder {{{TRACKING_NR}}} can be used for tracking code. Otherwise tracking code should be appended to the end of tracking URL.
EnabledDeliveryOptionsarrayShipment provider's speed eligibility, which could be multiple values. Possible values are economy, standard, and express.

Result sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Error messages

No specific errors.